Company intro
"Intertehna" imp-exp, Dooel, is 100% private company which exist from 1994. Our main business is wholesale of products from black and colored metallurgy, processing equipment for Thermal and Hydro plants and equipment for surface mines, spare parts for excavators, construction machines etc.
Company Location
We are located in the south-western part of the Republic of Macedonia only 10 km. from the border with Greece, where are located the largest power facilities of the Republic, three Thermo plants and two surface mines of coal, destined for power plants, the only factory in the whole of Macedonia, factory for yeast and alcohol, more factories for the production of milk and milk products, huge number of agricultural combines and so on. In other words our location covers and treat the most industrial area in the Republic of Macedonia, which gives us the possibility for a large range of ours activities related with the activities of existing industrial facilities in this region.